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Marina Bobrova    July 25, 2024   

How many watts does a TV use

Сколько ватт расходует телевизор
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Televisions have long been an integral part of our daily lives. They provide us with entertainment, information and the ability to stay in touch with the world. But have you ever wondered how much energy this familiar appliance consumes? The answer to this question can vary depending on many factors. Let’s take a look at how much energy a TV consumes, what types of TVs and their features are, and tips on how to reduce energy consumption.

Types of TV sets and their electricity consumption

How many watts a TV consumes depends on its type, screen size and the technology used. Let’s take a look at the main types of TVs and their features:

  • CRT (CRT) TVs: These CRT TVs were popular in the past. They are known for their high power consumption compared to modern models. On average, a CRT TV can consume between 60 to 200 watts, depending on the size of the screen. Despite their obsolescence, some such TVs are still in use, especially in less affluent regions.
  • LCD TVs: Liquid crystal display (LCD) TVs are among the most common TVs available today. Their power consumption ranges from 20 to 150 watts. For example, small models up to 32 inches typically consume about 20-60 watts, while larger TVs can consume up to 150 watts. LCD TVs consume less power compared to CRTs, making them preferable in terms of energy efficiency.
  • LED TVs: LED TVs are an improved version of LCD TVs with LED backlighting. They are much more energy efficient and consume between 20 and 120 watts. LED technology reduces power consumption by utilising light more efficiently. This makes these TVs preferable for those who want to reduce their energy costs.
  • OLED TVs: Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) represent one of the most advanced technologies. These TVs are known for their excellent colour performance and high energy efficiency. The power consumption of an OLED TV ranges from 40 to 150 watts. A special feature of OLED TVs is that each pixel glows independently, which saves energy when displaying dark scenes.
  • Plasma TVs: Plasma TVs, although rare nowadays, have high picture quality. Their power consumption ranges from 100 to 400 watts, depending on the size of the screen. Plasma TVs were popular in the past, but due to their high power consumption and competition from LCD and OLED technology, they have gradually fallen out of fashion.

Factors affecting electricity consumption

The power consumption of a TV depends not only on its type, but also on a number of other factors:

  • Screen size: The size of the screen directly affects the amount of power consumed. The larger the screen, the more power is needed to illuminate and operate the screen.
  • Screen brightness: Increased screen brightness increases power consumption. Modern TVs often have an automatic brightness adjustment function to help reduce power consumption.
  • Power Saving Mode: Many modern TVs have power saving modes that reduce power consumption by reducing screen brightness and switching off unnecessary functions.
  • Usage time: Obviously, the longer the TV is on, the more energy it consumes. Therefore, rational use of viewing time can significantly reduce energy costs.

Examples of electricity consumption

To illustrate, let’s look at a few examples of electricity consumption by different types of TVs:

TV typeScreen sizePower consumption (watts)
LED TV32 inches30-60
OLED TV55 inches80-120
LCD TV65 inches100-150
CRT TV27 inches100-150
Plasma TV50 inches.150-300

These data show that the choice of TV type and size can significantly affect the level of electricity consumption.

How to reduce electricity consumption

There are some simple and effective ways to reduce your TV’s power consumption:

  • Use power saving mode: Modern TVs often have inbuilt settings to reduce power consumption. Activating these settings can significantly reduce power consumption.
  • Reduce screen brightness: Reducing screen brightness not only reduces power consumption, but also promotes eye health.
  • Switch off the TV when not in use: Switching off the TV instead of leaving it in standby mode can help save a significant amount of energy.
  • Choose energy-efficient models: When buying a new TV, pay attention to the energy efficiency rating. Newer and more efficient models use less energy.
  • Use timers and smart sockets: Timers and smart sockets allow you to switch off your TV automatically at a certain time, helping to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

How much energy your TV consumes depends on many factors, including screen type and size, brightness, energy saving mode and time of use. Understanding these aspects will help you choose the most energy-efficient TV and reduce your energy bills. Modern TVs consume between 20 and 150 watts, but with the introduction of new technologies such as OLED, this can vary considerably. By implementing simple measures to reduce your electricity consumption, you can not only save money but also contribute to the environment.

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