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Olga Uvarova    May 27, 2024   

How to choose a filter cartridge

Как выбрать картридж для фильтра гл
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Clean water is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. To provide clean and safe-to-drink water for the home, many people install water filters. However, to maintain their effectiveness, it is important to choose and replace cartridges correctly. In this article, we will explain how to choose a filter cartridge, taking into account various factors and features.

Determine the type of filter

The first step in choosing a cartridge is to determine the type of filter you have. There are different types of filters, each requiring a specific type of cartridge:

  • Flow-through filters – installed under the sink or on the tap. The cartridges for these filters are usually designed to remove mechanical impurities, chlorine and organic compounds.
  • Jug filters are mobile water filtration devices that are convenient to use in the home. Cartridges for them are often aimed at improving the taste of water and removing basic contaminants.
  • Reverse osmosis filters are highly efficient systems that remove most contaminants, including salts and microorganisms. These systems use several types of cartridges for pre-filtration and main filtration.

Consider water quality

The next important factor is the quality of water in your area. Depending on what impurities are present in the water, choose the cartridge that removes them most effectively:

  • Hard water – contains high levels of calcium and magnesium salts. Cartridges with water softening function are recommended.
  • Chlorinated water – charcoal cartridges are suitable to remove chlorine and improve the taste of the water.
  • Contaminated water – if the water contains mechanical impurities (sand, rust), cartridges with mechanical filtration (e.g. polypropylene cartridges) are required.

Check compatibility

Each filter has its own specific cartridge requirements. It is important to make sure that the cartridge you choose is compatible with your filter. Check your filter model and find out which cartridges are recommended by the manufacturer. This will help avoid installation problems and ensure proper filter performance.

Consider resource intensity

The life of a cartridge is the amount of water it can purify before replacement. This varies depending on the type of cartridge and its design:

  • Cartridges for pitcher filters usually have a life of about 150-300 litres.
  • Cartridges for flow filters – 3000-5000 litres.
  • Cartridges for reverse osmosis systems can clean up to 6000 litres or more.

Choosing the right cartridge with the right life depends on your water consumption. For a family of 4, a filter jug may require cartridge replacement every 1-2 months, while flow filters will require replacement less frequently.

Evaluate cost and availability

Cartridge prices can vary considerably. Consider not only the initial cost, but also the cost of ownership, including replacement frequency. Also make sure that the selected cartridges are readily available in your area to avoid difficulties in acquiring them in the future.

Explore reviews and ratings

Before purchasing, it is useful to read other users’ reviews and expert ratings. This will help you evaluate the real quality and efficiency of the cartridge. Reliable manufacturers often provide detailed information about their products, which can also be useful when choosing.

Choosing a filter cartridge is an important process that requires consideration of several factors: filter type, water quality, compatibility, capacity, cost and reviews. The right cartridge will ensure effective filtration and long life of your filter, which in turn will provide you and your family with clean and safe to drink water.

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